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Northwest Little League

Northwest Little League

Tee Ball (Division Coordinator: Jeff Wilner)
League age 4-5-6 meets Wednesday nights 5:30-7:00 pm, and Saturday mornings 10:00-11:30 am. In this division the players are taught the fundamentals of the game for 1st half of season with the teams playing games the 2nd half of season. The season starts in April and ends in the beginning of June with a pizza party, water balloon fight, and medal ceremony. 

Minors (Division Coordinator: Jeff Wilner)
League age 7-8 (some talented 6 year old's may also play but need to show they can properly keep attention on the game to avoid safety issues). This division is an instructional league playing ~2 games/1 practice per week. Base lengths are 60 feet and the pitching distance is 32-36 feet. This division has both player and coach pitch innings in each game. The season starts in April and ends in the beginning of June.

Farms (Division Coordinator: Jeff Wilner)
League age 9-10 (some talented 8 year old's may also play). This division is a competitive league playing other leagues throughout the district. Base lengths are 60 feet and the pitching distance is 46 feet. The season starts in April and ends in the beginning of June. The most talented players are then selected and placed on the division All Star team at the end of the regular season, to play in the Little League tournament, which starts towards the end of June.

Majors (Division Coordinator: Joe Comber)
League age 11-12 (some talented 10 year old's may also play). This division is a competitive league playing with other teams around the district. Base lengths are 70 feet and the pitching distance is 50 feet. The season starts in April and ends in the beginning of June. The most talented players are the selected and placed on the division All Star team at the end of the regular season, to play in the Little League Tournament, which starts towards the end of June

Juniors (Division Coordinator: Jason Hall)
League age 13-14 (some talented 12 year old's may also play). This division is a competitive league playing with other teams around the district. Base lengths are 90 feet and the pitching distance is 60 feet, 6 inches. The season starts in April and ends in the beginning of June. The most talented players are the selected and placed on the division All Star team at the end of the regular season, to play in the Little League Tournament, which starts towards the end of June.

Seniors (Division Coordinator: Jason Hall)
League age 15-16 (some talented 14 year old's may also play). This division is a competitive league playing with other teams around the district. Base lengths are 90 feet and the pitching distance is 60 feet, 6 inches. The season starts in April and ends in the beginning of June. The most talented players are the selected and placed on the division All Star team at the end of the regular season, to play in the Little League Tournament, which starts towards the end of June.

Additional Offerings (Coordinator: Russ Lichtenwalner)
In addition to Little League baseball, Northwest is home to Connie Mack baseball which offers competitive baseball over the summer against teams across the Lehigh Valley.

If you are unsure what division your child is eligible to play in, you can go to the official Little League website and use the Little League Age Determination Tool.

Contact us

Northwest Little League

1500 Kaywin Ave 
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018
Email: [email protected]

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