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Northwest Little League

Northwest Little League

Important Parking Information

Northwest Youth Athletic Association is made up of five fields plus a batting cage. During the season, it can get very busy in the complex with multiple games happening at the same time plus indoor batting cage practices. In an effort to maximize safety for coaches, players, and umpires, the following parking regulations are in effect immediately (as of April 16th, 2024). Please reference the map above for an overview of the complex. 

Note 1: The lower lot is the primary parking area for all assistant coaches, parents, families, and friends coming to the complex on game or practice days. Please park in an orderly fashion in this area. It is incredibly important to not park on the grass on the left as you come into the complex.  That is the entrance for our overflow parking behind the trees (see the yellow stars in the map above). If the lower lot is full, please fill the overflow lot behind the trees. If both lots are full, please find parking on the streets surrounding the complex. 

Note 2: The parking lot attached to the batting cages is intended only for a) managers of teams playing on Field 2 or Field 3 (only managers, not all coaches), b) umpires for any field at the complex, and c) parents of players actively practicing in the cages, although we would prefer if you drop your players off and then park in the lower lot. There is one handicapped spot in this lot as well.  If this lot becomes full, please park in the lower lot or overflow lot. Do not make your own parking spots in this area and do not park on the incline against the cage. 

Note 3: The parking lot attached to the snack stand/council room is intended only for a) snack stand volunteers, b) managers of teams playing on Field 1 or Field 4 (only managers, not all coaches), and c) umpires for any field at the complex. There is also a handicapped spot in this lot for anyone who needs it.  Do not make your own parking spots in this area and do not park on the grass behind Field 4.

The regulations are in effect for both games and practices. We thank you for your cooperation. 

Contact us

Northwest Little League

1500 Kaywin Ave 
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018
Email: [email protected]

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